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2024-2025 Membership

By joining today as a Full or Associate member you play a key part in the sustained growth of our shul - a warm spiritual home, where Ashkenazic and Sephardic congregations are joined together under one roof and unified by Torah and a love of Eretz Yisrael.

Full membership entitles you to complimentary Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur seats (for adults), voting rights at our annual meeting, and a discount on social hall rental fees. We have different levels for families, individuals, families and couples under 30 years old, and first-year members.

Associate membership is offered to those who have full membership at another shul and entitles you to a discount on social hall rental fees.

No one will ever be refused membership for financial reasons. If you are unable to pay the entire membership amount, please contact the Finance Committee to discuss alternate arrangements at

If you are a current member renewing membership, please login before completing the form below.  If you have any trouble logging in, please contact to receive a login link or assistance with renewing membership.





(No need to add children that you've previously added to your account)


If you would like to add a yahrzeit or to include additional names on your Aliyah card for misheberach, please contact


Please choose a membership option above.  Note that Associate Membership does not include High Holiday seats.

Please note: No one will ever be refused membership (full or associate) for financial reasons. For other arrangements, please contact the Finance Committee at

BUILDING FUND (required)

All members (after 1 year of membership) are required to contribute to the KCT Building Fund. This is an essential part of maintaining the synagogue’s financial health, providing important capital for our mortgage and helping maintain the overall aesthetic of the newest shul in Skokie. The Building Fund is set at $6,000 over 4 years ($125 per month), with discounts available for early payment per the schedule below.

Those families or individuals joining KCT for the first time are exempt from the Building Fund for their first year of membership.

The goal is 100% participation from all members. If you have questions regarding the building fund, dedication opportunities or would like to discuss alternate arrangements to participating in the Building Fund, please contact the Finance Committee at


Since October 7th, security at KCT has become a main concern. The costs of this security is very high,
and your donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated.

MAKOM KAVUA (optional)

As part of our initial building capital raise, we started to offer the opportunity for full members to buy their seats or "makom" in our beautiful new sanctuary in an effort to raise additional funds for the shul. These funds are another very important capital raising initiative to ensure the shul can operate and offer all the current services to the community.


Click Here to go the Makom Kavua page to sign up.


KCT is pleased to offer several minyan options over Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur with plans for youth groups over the holidays as well.  

Seating options will be available soon and you will be receiving an email with the link to make your reservations.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785