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Yahoo Group


Kehilat Chovevei Tzion invites you to participate in our community in a new and exciting way.   Using the power and innovation of the internet, you can connect with the Skokie and greater Chicago Jewish community better than ever.   Just join our  Yahoo! group - you decide how you'll view messages posted by members, by logging on, individual emails or digest emails that group a number of messages at a time.   Posting is as easy as sending an email. and you don't need to be a member of KCT or even to have a Yahoo! account.   Please review the detailed posting and membership policy page before you join.
You can join by sending an e-mail or by signing up from a Yahoo! by clicking here.
It's as simple to use as this:
To Post a message - email 
To Subscribe - email
To Unsubscribe - email
Does it get any easier? Not really, but:
If you want, you can add KCTCommunity to your  RSS  reader  by  entering,  you  ask,  what's RSS? Click here.  
Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785